
[PC] Dota Warcraft 3 Update Directlink Dota [MF]

[PC] Dota Warcraft 3 Update Directlink Dota [MF]



- เมื่อดาวน์โหลดไฟล์เสร็จทำการ คลายซิบ โดยโปรแกรม Winrar
- เข้าไปในโฟลเดอร์ตัวเกม หาไฟล์ที่ชื่อ RegSetup
- กดเพื่อ Crack/BackLash

How to install
- Once the download is complete, the release zip file by Winrar.
- Into the game Find the file name RegSetup.
- Press to Crack / BackLash.

part1  part2  part3  part4  part5  part6
part7  part8  part9  part10  part11  part12

Patch Update 1.26a

Map Dota 6.72f Download Here


The Night Elves campaign.
As in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, the single-player campaign of the Frozen Throne follows each of the main races in sequence. In this game, that is Night Elves (Maiev Shadowsong tracks the escaped Illidan Stormrage), Human (or Blood Elves, following the struggles of the last High Elves in Lordaeron after it was destroyed by the Scourge and the Burning Legion), and Undead (following Arthas' return from Kalimdor to Lordaeron, and his subsequent journey to find the Lich King of the Scourge). The Orc campaign is separate from the other three being a stand-alone story and using more role playing game mechanics over real time strategy game mechanics. The campaign chronicles the early days of the Orc Horde's establishment in Kalimdor.
In the first campaign of the game, Illidan's former warden, Maiev Shadowsong, hunts for Illidan and finds the serpent-like Naga who vow to "retake the surface world" from the Night Elves. Maiev later follows Illidan to a recently erected island and to a vault located within. It is revealed that Illidan Stormrage has gained the allegiance of the Naga, former night elves mutated by The Sundering, and obtained an artifact called the Eye of Sargeras from his tomb (in chapter 3 of the campaign), which grants him extraordinary power. Maiev Shadowsong, calls for the aid of Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind to capture Illidan. Partway through the pursuit, Tyrande is swept away by a river while helping a group of blood elves to retaliate against the undead. Maiev convinces Malfurion that she died at the hands of the undead. When they finally capture Illidan, he explains that he planned to use the Eye to destroy the Lich King, ruler of the undead... much to Maiev's dismay. At this point Illidan's Naga Scouts discovers that Tyrande may still be alive. She was surrounded by water and undead settlements. Only Illidan and his naga can reach her (By water). The brothers Stormrage work together in order to rescue her. Malfurion then pardons Illidan for his actions done with the Eye, but reminds him that he is still exiled. Illidan then flees to Outland (only know after the cutscene where blood elves met Illidan at Outland where he speaks of how he came to be).
The second campaign follows the blood elves, the last of the High Elves, led by their prince Kael'thas. They are given the job to fix watchtowers and defend them by a human leader named Garithos, who despises non-humans. He later discovers that Kael'thas was helped by the Naga and imprisons the blood elves for this. They are rescued by Lady Vashj, leader of the Naga, who leads them all to Outland. Once there they join forces with Illidan and conquer Outland, with promises of claiming magical energy to satisfy the Blood Elves' addiction to the arcane.[4] Once Outland is conquered, Illidan's master - the warlock Kil'jaeden the Deceiver - finds Illidan and prepares to punish him for his failure to destroy the Lich King. However, Illidan convinces Kil'jaeden to give him one more chance, claiming that he was gathering more forces to assault the Lich King's Frozen Throne. The Deceiver lets Illidan's failure go, but warns him to kill Ner'zhul or face his 'eternal wrath.' The blood elf campaign is the shortest in Warcraft III, with only six chapters (seven including the secret mission).
The third campaign follows the undead, who have split into three factions. One is led by Arthas and is loyal to the Lich King and accompanied by the necromancers of the Lich, Kel'thuzad; another is led by the banshee Sylvanas Windrunner; and the third is led by three dreadlords and are loyal to the Burning Legion. The player controls Arthas' and Sylvanas' factions in the different chapters, opposed to the dreadlords' faction. The brothers are complaining that they haven't heard from Archimonde the Defiler, who was killed just about a week ago. Sylvanas asks Kel'Thuzad what happened to the Legion. The Summoner states that the Burning Legion took off after Archimeonde was slain. The conversation is interrupted when Arthas [mounted on his prized horse Invincible] bursts through the gates and thanks the brothers for looking after Lordaeron while he was gone. One of the brothers, Balnazar, says the Scourge is owned by the Legion. Arthas cleverly states that Archimonde's death was announced. The brothers retreat. After emptying the kingdom of the remnants of the Alliance, Arthas prepares to travel to Northrend for an expedition there, but the 3 brothers trap him inside the castle, much to Kel'Thuzad's shock. Kel'Thuzad has no choice but to turn around and run away. Arthas manages to escape and is taken to a spot for rest by some banshees. Arthas is shot in the leg by Sylvanas for turning her and her people into banshees. Fortunately, Kel'Thuzad appears from the shadows and drive Sylvanas away. The poison wears off, and Arthas leaves for Northrend. When he and his forces get there, Arthas learns that he needs to defend the Lich King from Illidan, the Naga, and the Blood Elves' combined assault after having painful attacks and visions of the Lich King commanding him to the Frozen Throne. First they are given help by Anub'arak, the Ancient King of Azjol-Nerub. He knows the kingdom will be a shortcut to Icecrown Citadel. As they travel, they recruit the ancient blue wyrm, Sapphiron of the Blue Dragonflight (servant of Malygos the Spell-Weaver), into the undead Scourge. They then use the giant wyrm to smash other enemy forces that might counterattack.
Meanwhile, back in the subcontinent of Lordaeron, Sylvanas is lamenting over her being an undead, although she and her forces are permanently freed of Ner'zhul's grasp. Later, a demonic portal appears. Emerging through it is one of the Nathrezim, Varimathras. He offers Sylvanas to join the Burning Legion and rule the subcontinent and the Kingdom of Lordaeron. She refuses, much to Varimathras' displeasure. However, Sylvanas and her forces attack and corner him. He begs for mercy and joins Sylvanas's force, now known as The Forsaken. They then approach a stronghold held in the grasp of Detheroc, the oldest of the 3 brothers. They brainwash what's left of Garithos' forces, besiege the stronghold and free Garithos by killing Detheroc. Although Garithos knows Sylvanas might be one of the Scourge, she reassures him that she is free. Varimathras and Garithos argue over something out of subject until Sylvanas calms them. They then besiege the kingdom and corner Balnazaar. Sylvanas orders Varimathras to slaughter him. He at first refuses, but is forced to attack. Garithos, driven by racism, orders them to leave, but Varimathras cuts his neck, causing him to bleed to death. Lordaeron is now the home of the Forsaken, who then join the Horde after learning Thrall's shamistic powers.
Arthas, Anub'arak and the undead forces are at the right place: Azjol-Nerub. However, a small group of dwarves have the front gates shut. Arthas orders Sapphiron to attack. He flies in and spits a bolt of frost at the gates, which fall to pieces. Arthas wishes to take Sapphiron with them, but can't because the confines of the dark earth isn't a place for Sapphiron, who flies to the other side. They then meet with Bealgun, who tells Arthas and his forces of the horrors that dwell deep within the kingdom, that they be careful. Anub'arak realizes Bealgun's stories are true. They then encounter a gigantic Forgotten One and rip it to pieces... but more Faceless ones show up and chase them off. Arthas senses the ceiling is about to cave in and darts to the other side just in time... Anub'arak simply smashes through the boulders with his massive bulk. They eventually find the exit and get some rest before going on.
After a fierce battle between Arthas' undead forces and Illidan's, Illidan appears to be slain and Arthas is able to reach the Lich King's Frozen Throne. Once there, Arthas shatters the ice-prison that held the Lich Kings remains, releasing him. Arthas dons the Lich King's helmet, joining their souls into one ultra-powerful being: Arthas, the new Lich King.

The mini-campaign focuses mainly on two Heroes, Rexxar and Rokhan.
The separate RPG-style campaign follows the Horde defending their land and building up a new kingdom called Durotar by Thrall in the name of his father Durotan. The main characters of the campaign are Rexxar, the beastmaster/adventurer - he admires the orc art of war - the private shadow hunter Rokhan, and later Cairne Bloodhoof, the tauren Chieftain. After defending Durotar from a series of lesser threats, Rexxar learns that a force of humans from the island of Theramore, led by Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, plans to invade Durotar. Admiral Proudmoore is unwilling or unable to accept a truce between the Horde and the Alliance despite their combined armies having defended the World Tree in Reign of Chaos. The orcs invade Theramore (aided by a guilty Jaina Proudmoore) and slay the Admiral, replacing him with his daughter, Jaina.

[edit] Additions

A Human base.
For each race, The Frozen Throne adds several new units and buildings, including a player-controlled shop, and one new hero per race. Two new auxiliary races, the Naga and Draenei, have also been added. The Naga feature in all three campaigns, and as playable units, allies, and enemies; while the Draenei, which are actually more sophisticated creeps, are found only in the Blood Elf missions. Both can be put in custom maps if their worker units (the Naga Mur'gul Slave or the Draenei worker) are added via the World Editor. The old siege engines of the Humans, Orcs and Night Elves have been renamed and remodeled, receiving new upgrades in the process. The food limit has been increased from 90 to 100, and the upkeep requirements have been relaxed by 10 food units each, leading to the ability to mobilize somewhat larger and more powerful forces.
The weapon and armor type system has been completely revamped and a lot of units have been given new weapon or armor types. Because of this, battles and strategies are slightly different than the ones in The Reign of Chaos.
The expansion and its subsequent patches made the addition of neutral Hero units, which appear in the single player campaigns. Neutral heroes can be used in melee maps via the Tavern, a neutral building used to hire them. The tavern can also instantly revive any fallen hero, with an increased resource cost, and reduced health and mana of the revived hero. A nearby unit is needed to access the tavern.
In addition, The Frozen Throne re-introduces naval battles, which were almost completely absent in Warcraft 3. Although generally only available in the campaign, naval units can be placed using the World Editor and can be purchased from certain buildings in melee maps such as the Goblin Shipyard.
The Warcraft III Map Editor program now allows the user to do more custom work with regards to editing skills and new tileset and models to work with.

[edit] Ladder

Battle.net servers host PvP Ladders for The Frozen Throne. Kalimdor (Asia), Lordaeron (USWest), Azeroth (USEast), Northrend (Europe),ThaiCyberGames (Thailand) all have influential players of their own[citation needed]. However, the varied styles of play and range of skill is heavily favored towards non-US realms such as Kalimdor and Northrend. These competitive ladders have driven the game along with yearly pro competitions. The battle.net ladder includes Solo, Random Team, Arranged Team (2vs2, 3vs3, 4vs4) and Free For All, giving a wide range in which a player can determine and choose which ladder best suits them.
The current matchmaking system also prevents players with very positive records from being able to find a game in a reasonably short time. At the same time others will join and leave many games repeatedly with an automated program to be matched against players with negative records in what is referred to as "AMM abuse"[citation needed].

[edit] Custom Games

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne also includes an additional feature which includes a plethora of custom, user-created games from which the players can play cooperatively online. These custom games are all designed to be multi-player, and is one of the most popular features of the game. After clicking on the Custom Games button located on the Home Page, users are brought to a screen which has a list of games currently being hosted and a picture and short description that provides more details about the game such as the number of suggested players, the map size, and the creators of the game. Many custom games are hosted by automated bots that continually host (auto-host)a map designated to a specific by independent bot owners or gaming networks. The games that these communities host are usually the most popular games that users are always seeking to play, and the list includes well-known games such as Defense of the Ancients, Island Defense, Footmen Frenzy, Trolls and Elves, and many different variations of tower defense games, which are extremely popular and administrated by bot administrators designated by the bot owner. In addition, all users also have the option of hosting custom normal games, which are often called Observer games. In these types of games, the experienced players will play a normal game while many other users will simply observe and watch these more experienced players play. Many more amateur and novice players utilize these observer games to watch what the experienced players do and learn from their different tactical strategies. These observer games are also often used to determine individual skill level and qualifying so to speak.

[edit] Development

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne was originally announced on January 22, 2003.[5] On February 14, 2003, Blizzard announced the first beta test for the game, which offered 10,000 players to sample the game.[6] On March 10, 2003, 10,000 more players were selected to participate in the beta test.[7] On May 29, 2003, Blizzard announced that the expansion set had "gone gold". There have been many patches, including patch 1.21b which allowed the game to be played without the official CD. On April 4, 2008 Blizzard released a new test version of Warcraft III patch 1.22. The patch was available for testing on the "Westfall" beta server. The Westfall server was recently taken down and a message by Blizzard was given stating that a live release of patch 1.22 to all realms would be forthcoming. On July 1, 2008 patch 1.22 was released. Due to the latest patch, version 1.23, many third-party programs have been rendered unusable. Several third-party programs that reveal the entire map, commonly known as maphacks, have been released for the update. It also disabled collided maps, which would make modified custom maps appear to be the same as the original. Another effect of the patch, which is not included in the release notes, is that custom maps with large filenames will not appear in the game. The limit is believed to be 20 characters, but this has not yet been tested.[8] The 1.23 patch included no actual changes to gameplay, and the 1.24a to 1.24e patches followed suit. in 2011 blizzard released various updates for Warcraft 3 TFT, including patch 1.25a, 1.25b and the latest one, 1.26a.

[edit] System requirements

[edit] Minimum system requirements

  • 400 MHz Pentium II or equivalent, or a 400 MHz G3 processor or better.
  • Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7. Warcraft III requires Mac OS 9.0 or higher, or Mac OS X 10.1.3 or higher. OS X 10.1.3-10.6.8 to install and update.
  • Warcraft III requires 128 MB of RAM. Virtual memory should be enabled on computers running pre-Mac OS X versions of the Mac OS.
  • A keyboard and pointing device are required.
  • A hard drive with at least 550 MB of free space
  • 8 MB 3D video card (TNT, i810, Voodoo 3, Rage 128 equivalent or better) with DirectX 8.1 support. For Mac OS systems, a video card consisting of an * ATI Technologies or nVidia chipset with at least 16 MB of memory is required.
  • A DirectX-compatible 16-bit sound card is recommended. Warcraft III will work with the built-in sound features of the Mac OS.[9]
The Mac OS X version of Warcraft III was originally written for PowerPC processors. The game itself was later recompiled as a universal binary, but the installer and updater were not. Since Rosetta support for executing PowerPC binaries was removed in Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, the game is supported, but must be copied to the new system after being installed and updated on a Mac running OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard or an earlier version.

[edit] Recommended system requirements

  • 600 MHz processor or better
  • 256 MB of RAM
  • 32 MB 3D video card
  • 1 GB free hard drive space

[edit] Multiplayer system requirements

  • Access to Blizzard Entertainment's online gaming service, Battle.net, requires a low-latency, active Internet connection rated at 28.8 kbit/s or faster.
  • Multiplayer games played over a LAN require an active connection to a TCP/IP network.



[edit] External links


Years : 2005
Platform : PC
Language : English

- Extract the files
- Double-click Autorun, the game as normal, add PATCH 1.3.
- V.1.3 to load crackers into the game


part1  part2  part3  part4  part5  part6  part7

part8  part9  part10  part11  part12  part13

Patch 1.3

Carck V.1.3 แก้ไขแล้ว

- System: XP , Vista , 7
- Processor: Pentium 1.5GHz / Athlon XP 2.2GHz;
- Memory: 256Mb (recommended 512Mb) Mb;
- Video card: 3D-graphics card memory 128 MB (recommended 256Mb) Mb;
- Free disk space: 4GB

- แตกไฟล์
- ดับเบิ้ลคลิ๊กที่ Autorun , ลงเกมส์ตามปกติ , ลง PATCH 1.3
- โหลด แครก V.1.3 ไปลงไว้ในที่ที่เราลงเกมส์
- ENJOY !! 


Most Wanted, like other Need for Speed games, is essentially a driving and racing game, where the player selects one car and races against a time limit or other racers to reach a destination. Police chases have once again been integrated into certain racing sessions, in which the police employ vehicles and tactics to stop the player's car and arrest the player, like Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2, and Need for Speed: Carbon. As players take control of faster cars and increasingly rely on nitrous oxide speed boosts, the oxide meter now refills automatically for the first time since its introduction in Underground, and driving sequences become fast-paced and intense similar to the Burnout series.
Three distinct regions are offered in the city of Rockport, along with cycling weather. Racing events take place between sunrise and sunset, unlike in the Underground where the events took place at night. A Grand Theft Auto-like Free Roam mode is provided as in Need for Speed: Underground 2, but is still limited to Career mode, as well as pursuit-based events in other modes.
Brand promotion from Underground 2 still continues strongly, with Old Spice and the entry of Burger King restaurants, Castrol oil, Axe Unlimited and Edge shaving gel. The Cingular logo is still visible in the game's wireless communication system. Performance, body and visual parts that can be bought in the game are also from real life companies. However, Best Buy Stores did not return from Underground 2.

[edit] Modes

The game provides players with three game modes. The Quick Race mode allows the player to select a car and an event and immediately start racing. The available cars and events are unlocked as the player progresses through the storyline in the Career mode. Achieving goals by winning races and performing a number of actions, dubbed "Milestones", during police pursuits, as well as a minimum Bounty are needed to advance in the storyline and race against any of the mode's 15 Blacklist racers. In the Xbox 360 version, the player is awarded with Achievement Points each time a Blacklist opponent is defeated. Career mode introduces a new feature – the ability to win a Blacklist opponent's car ("pink slip"), bonus functions, extra cash or car parts and decors, after defeating the opponent in question. These come in the form of six markers – the rival's pink slip (which is concealed as a bonus marker), two bonus function markers, and three custom backroom parts markers of which there is a body part, visual upgrade, and performance marker ("Junkman Marker") that the player can select – of which the player can choose only two. New cars and parts are also unlocked as the player progresses through Career mode by beating Blacklist racers.
In addition to the Quick Race and Career modes, there is also a "Challenge Series" mode involving 69 progressively difficult challenges where players are required to successfully complete Tollbooth races and pursuit challenges, such as tagging a number of police cars. The pre-tuned cars used in each Challenge is fixed, ranging from mostly Career cars with poor handling to traffic vehicles such as a dump truck or police cars. Additional bonus cars may be unlocked as the player progresses through Challenge mode.
In terms of actual variations of races, Most Wanted inherits several racing modes prevalent in its Underground predecessors. The game's four existing modes: Circuit races, point-to-point Sprint races, lap knockout races and Drag races, remain largely unchanged since the first iteration of Underground, while Drifting, Street X, Underground Racing League tournaments and Outrun racing are removed. Meanwhile, Most Wanted sees the introduction of two new racing variations, which places emphasis on speed. The first mode is known as "Tollbooth," where a player races alone to designated checkpoints along a point-to-point route before time runs out; the more time a player has as they reach a toll booth, the more time they have to arrive at the next one. The second mode, dubbed "Speedtrap", sees racers competing with each other to get the highest accumulated speed record at multiple traffic cameras. At a speed trap/traffic camera, players accelerate their car to aim for the highest possible speed. Accumulated speed is reduced over a period of time after an opponent crosses the finish line first.

[edit] Pursuit system

The player's car is in pursuit by several undercover state police cars and a police helicopter in Free Roam mode. This screen-shot also depicts the use of simulated HDRR on the sunny sky and surface lighting.
Most Wanted features pursuit evasion in the game for the first time in the series since Hot Pursuit 2. In Career mode, police pursuits may occur during a race or during free roaming through the city, depending on the frequency of the police units in the area and traffic offenses players have committed. The player can initiate a pursuit immediately from the game's safe house or menu by choosing an unfinished Milestone or a Bounty challenge. Pursuits can also be initiated by selecting an appropriate Challenge in the Challenge Series mode. Traffic offenses committed by the player are known in game as Infractions. These include speeding, excessive speeding, reckless driving, driving off roadway, damage to property, hit and run, ramming a police unit, and resisting arrest.
The system is significantly more complex than its previous Hot Pursuit incarnations. The manner in which the police handle a player is now determined by the "heat level" of the player's current car. Heat levels, which increase with the length of a police pursuit and the amount of damage caused by the player during the pursuit, add a twist to the pursuit. The higher the car's heat level, the more aggressive the police units are against the player, employing additional tactics and tools, such as roadblocks, spike strips, police helicopters and heavier and faster police cars such as police SUV's.
In Career mode, pursuits are integrated into the game in such a way that it is necessary to participate in pursuit in order to be able to challenge Blacklist racers. The player must complete Milestones which involve committing at least a specified amount of traffic offenses or pursuit lengths during a pursuit, and collecting an amount of Bounty, a form of credit accumulated as players continue to evade the police or damage police units. A car's heat level may be reduced by changing the physical appearance of a car by changing body parts or paint color, or by using another purchased car with a lower heat level to race in the streets. If a car is not being used by the player its heat level will slowly lower over time. Rap sheets, with records such as the player's infractions, cost to state, deployed tactics and pursuit lengths, are also available for viewing by hacking into police records.
Players are provided with several additional features which are useful during pursuits. The Speedbreaker, provided within the driving interface, slows down time similar to bullet time and momentarily adds weight to the player's car allowing it to become more difficult for other vehicles to push around, and induces a drift. This allows the player a limited amount of time to quickly maneuver the car out of difficult situations, or assess an escape route through a road block or spike strip blockade.[1] Another feature in Most Wanted are Pursuit Breakers, road-side objects which are designed to collapse when a player uses their car to knock down its support, either damaging or disabling following police cars (which can be visually seen in many cases). In one example, if a player smashes through a gas station, the roof of the station falls potentially crushing police units following them.[2] In order to evade the pursuit, players must get out of the pursuing police’s line of sight. This is accomplished by getting a certain distance away from the cops or by disabling the cops. Once the player has evaded the cops they enter Cooldown mode. During this time the player must avoid being detected/seen by the police; If the player is detected while in Cooldown mode the pursuit continues. Cooldown spots, areas in the world usually not seen from the street, can be used to hide from pursuers. If the player finds a hiding spot and stops they will spend significantly less time in Cooldown mode.

[edit] Multiplayer

Online multiplayer is available on Xbox 360, Xbox, PC and PlayStation Portable. Up to 4 players can participate in an online race and can race in 4 game modes including circuit, sprint, lap knockout and speed trap. Furthermore, there is the option to enable Performance Matching in an online race. When performance matching is enabled, all cars in the race are automatically upgraded to match the performance (i.e. top speed, handling, etc.) of the fastest car in that particular race. However, as soon as the race is over, all modifications made to the cars by performance matching are removed. The online multiplayer lobby was shut down on August 1, 2011.[2]

[edit] Cars

There are a wide range of cars available for the main Career mode of the game. Cars such as the Fiat Punto, Audi TT and Cadillac CTS are only seen in Most Wanted and tuners return from Underground 2 (e.g. Toyota Supra, Mazda RX-7 and Mazda RX-8) but SUVs do not return except as non-playable police vehicles. Exotics like the Lotus Elise, Lamborghinis, Porsches make their first appearance since Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 and classic muscle cars featured in the Black Edition (e.g. Chevrolet Camaro) are new to the series. As the game progresses, better and faster cars are unlocked and races get faster and more intense as the player makes his/her way through the game. Cars must either be purchased at car lots or won by getting the pink slip to a Blacklist Racer's car, as detailed in the Modes section. Cars can be purchased at car lots in stock condition with no enhancement whatsoever. Not all of them are available or affordable for purchase at the beginning stages of Career mode and must be unlocked by defeating a certain Blacklist member. While the game features police cars, Most Wanted does not allow players to play as a pursuing police in chases. However, players may drive several police cars in Challenge mode, but are solely used in checkpoint races and police pursuits, where the police are still pursuing the player.
As in the preceding Underground installments, the performance and physical appearance of the player's car can be extensively modified, but options for exterior and interior modifications have been significantly reduced to only the essentials. The customization of side mirrors, lights, exhausts and individual body kit pieces were dropped from body customization. However, instead of individual body kit pieces, up to 5 whole body kits can be chosen, some of which widen the car's stance. The "Car Specialties" customization (including neon, nitrous purge, hydraulics, spinners, doors, split hoods, and trunk audio) have been completely eliminated with the exception of window tint and custom gauges. Paint customization is limited to the main body color (with mirror, exhaust, spoiler, roof scoop, and brake color options gone). Unlike the Underground games, visual customization is used to lower the car's "heat level", instead of increasing the car's "visual rating". Additionally, players are allowed to assume a sleeper appearance (leaving the exterior of the car unmodified or barely modified) for cars without penalty in Most Wanted.

[edit] Plot

The player arrives in Rockport City, driving a racing version of the BMW M3 GTR. Following Mia Townsend (played by Josie Maran), the player proves his driving prowess as he is pursued by a veteran police officer named Sergeant Cross (played by Dean McKenzie), who vows to take down the player and end street racing in Rockport.[3] Races seem to be in the player's favor until a particular group of racers, led by the game's antagonist, Clarence "Razor" Callahan (played by Derek Hamilton), sabotages and win the player's car in a race.[4][5] Without a car to escape in, the player is arrested by Cross, but is later released due to lack of evidence.[6] Mia picks up the player and then informs the player about Razor's new status on the Blacklist, a group of 15 drivers most wanted by the Rockport Police Department. She then helps by assisting the player in acquiring a new car and working his way up the Blacklist. Rivals are defeated one by one, and the player is rewarded with reputation, new rides, and ride improvements with every Blacklist member taken down. As new boroughs are opened up throughout Rockport (Rosewood, Camden Beach, and Downtown Rockport), Mia also sets up safehouses for the player to lie low in, in exchange for placement of "side bets" on the player's races.

[edit] Blacklist 15

The blacklist 15 represent the best of the best and the most wanted racers wanted by the cops. The names and cars are listed below but the required amount of races, milestones, or bounty, [including blacklist races] are not shown but each show how many you have to do to beat them. The catch is that you have to win all of them, not the majority of the races.
Blacklist 15: Sonny Car: Volkswagen Golf GTI Races to beat him: 2
Blacklist 14: Taz Car: Lexus IS 300 Races to beat him: 2
Blacklist 13: Vic Car: Toyota Supra Races to beat him: 2
Blacklist 12: Izzy Car: Mazda RX-8 Races to beat her: 2
Blacklist 11: Big Lou Car: Mitsubishi Eclipse GT Races to beat him: 2
Blacklist 10: Baron Car: Porsche Cayman S Races to beat him: 2
Blacklist 9: Earl Car: Mitsubishi Evolution VIII Races to beat him: 2
Blacklist 8: Jewels Car: Ford Mustang GT Races to beat her: 2
Blacklist 7: Kaze[Kamikaze] Car: Mercedes-Benz CLK 500 Races to beat her: 2
Blacklist 6: Ming Car: Lamborghini Gallardo Races to beat him: 2
Blacklist 5: Webster Car: Chevrolet Corvette C6 Races to beat him: 3
Blacklist 4: JV Car: Dodge Viper SRT10 Races to beat him: 3
Blacklist 3: Ronnie Car: Aston Martin DB9 Races to beat him: 3
Blacklist 2: Bull Car: Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren Races to beat him: 3
Blacklist 1: Razor Car: BMW M3 GTR Races to beat him: 5

The final challenge for the #1 spot on the Blacklist puts the player in a race against Razor, for 5 rival races, with the player emerging as the victor, thus reclaiming the BMW M3 GTR . When Razor refuses to relinquish ownership of the car and attacks Mia after she confiscates the keys from him, she subdues him, while revealing herself to be an Undercover Cop. Mia throws the keys to the player, and tells him to escape the incoming police force. Razor is taken into custody and the player is pursued by the entire Rockport Police Department's Federal Undercover Vehicles under the command of Cross.[7]
The player manages to slip away from Cross and the cops and abandons Rockport City by launching the car over an old broken bridge pointed out by Mia. [8] After the player's escape, Cross brings up the player's rap sheet and adds him to the National Most Wanted List. In addition to Razor, the entire Blacklist is arrested with the "help" of the player.[9]

[edit] Development and release

Promotional screenshot of Rockport's fall foliage of Most Wanted for the Xbox 360 with Porsche 911 Turbo S.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted 'Black Edition', a collector's edition of Most Wanted, was released in celebration of the Need for Speed series' 10th anniversary and in conjunction with the release of Most Wanted. The Black Edition features additional races, bonus cars and other additional content. The Black Edition also comes with a special feature DVD that contains interviews and videos about the game. The Black Edition was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 2 and Xbox in the United States and Australia;[10] only the PlayStation 2 version of Black Edition was released additionally for Europe.[10][11]
The cutscenes in the game are live-action videos shot with real actors and set pieces, and CGI effects are added to car exteriors and environments for extra visual flair. The videos are presented in a significantly different style from the Underground series, and this presentation of cut scenes is used again in Carbon and Undercover.
The depiction between all of the versions graphics-wise is not the same especially on portable versions. The Microsoft Windows version varies by hardware and can look better compared to the console versions. The recommended hardware or above has a similar frame rate to the Xbox 360 version. The game makes heavy use of the HDRR and motion blur effects to give a more realistic feel. Need for Speed: Most Wanted 5–1–0 is a PlayStation Portable port of Most Wanted, released on the same day as its console and personal computer counterparts. Similar to Most Wanted, Most Wanted 5–1–0 features a similar Blacklist 15 listing and Career Mode, with the addition of "Tuner Takedown", a "Be the Cop" mode not featured on Most Wanted. Most Wanted 5–1–0 lacks many elements of its other console and PC counterparts, like cut scenes, a storyline and a free roam mode, and contains minor differences (including listing the real name of a Blacklist racer rather than his/her nickname). The title of the game is based on the numerals "5–1–0", which is the police code for street racing.
Most Wanted, like the Underground series, avoids the use of major vehicle damage on all racing models, with only scratched paint and heavily cracked windscreens comprising the whole of the racers' damage modeling. Police cars, however, are subject to extreme physical body damages. They can be immobilized if they flip over or have been heavily damaged by "pursuit breakers" and/or the player's car. EA ceased support to the Windows version of the game very early in its life cycle. The latest patch for the Windows version (1.3) was released on December 6, 2005.[12]
